This package is perfect for beginners, or freelancers of all types. It’s just right for exploring your potential.
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Gemmove Multi Ionizer is a product that care for nature and the environment.
It's easy to install. You do need a shower hose for this product though. I get mine from either Walmart or on for under $15.
After the vinegar and the baking soda phase, I also hit a phase in my life where I tried the #NoPoo method too! The YouTubers, I was following, were teaching how to go #NoPoo mainly had allergic reaction to shampoo, so they had to eliminated them. One girl was a hairstylist and developed a shampoo allergy after working as one for a long time.
Even though this might be a one reason to go no shampoo, our Multi Ionizer for Shower will help anyone go #NoPoo within a day! I've done it and I know you can too! Not only the hair gets cleaned properly, the hands get healed too! A must have shower head if you have shampoo allergy!
You need the Multi Ionizer Gloves (which comes inside the ionizer) to get rid of the dust and oil from your hair and be patient with it. It took me 6 months to feel good about the results I got after my #NoPoo showers. It might take 3 months or even a year, but after paying this price I have a healthy, thick and shiny hair
#Yao Girls' Rice Water Method: For shiny hair growth, many on the internet learned the secret to Yao girls' hair. The method instructs to wash rice in a water and boil that water (without the rice) and ferment it with natural oil and grapefruit peels. This we all can do at home, but one thing we do not have that Yao girls have is that after they rinse their hair with the rice water and let it sit for about 20-30 minutes, they rinse the rice water out in the spring water.
Guess what? Our Multi Ionizer for Shower softens the hard water and energizes it into an Arrowhead Spring Water. So, if you love this method, you must try our shower head ionizer and enjoy all the benefits the Yao girls enjoy for healthy, shiny, long hear!
Giving bath to a baby: If you have a newborn and you do not want to start off with a shampoo or a body wash (I do know that including myself, many women are concerned about introducing these chemical products to our newborns), fill up the baby bath with a warm ionized water from the Multi Ionizer for Shower and use a soft towel to wash the baby, especially recommended for a baby with eczema.
You'll not have to worry about using anything else for the baby for this bath time. You may not need to put lotion on her body afterwards either. Try it for yourself. There's no harm whatsoever! Only Goodness in transforming your water into the healing and nourishing water!
Giving bath/shower to a pet: For furry family members, you'll notice that they actually love the ionized bath or the shower. Something about our ionizer that is natural and the animals know and get attracted to the natural things by instinct. There's been an experiment with our Multi Ionizer water done with dogs... they preferred the ionized water over the bottled and sink water... every time.
Many furry pets have skin conditions that are itchy and uncomfortable too! Give them hot warm bath every day for 30 minutes for a week and see the improvement in their skin condition... even the seasonal allergy conditions. They dry up and stops irritating the poor pet rather quickly.
Hot Tip: If you have a fish pet, using the ionized water to fill up their fish tank is highly encouraged. Not only you don't have to change the water up to 21 days or longer, the ionized water keeps the tank much more cleaner and fresher and safer because of it's abilities to disinfect, anti-bacterial, and antifungal.
Important Notice: It's a semi-permanent product. A lot of customers hear 100 years warranty and expect the product to perform for 100 years.
A damage can be caused by customer negligence during use and except for the Multi Ionizer (the yellow metal part that says Multi Ionizer on it), all other devices are consumables, so A/S cost occurs in case of damage.
Sediment Issue: In the USA, some areas have more sediments in the water pipe, making it hard for the ionizer to do its job. Especially in FL, CA, and IL, I have a lot of customers who need to consider getting the extra Sediment Filter to filter their water. In VA, CO, and WA area, the water is not too bad, so using the filter isn't necessarily needed, but anyone really can get the filter and be extra sure the water is clean, ionized, and healing!
Warning: For many skin, scalp, and gum conditions I mentioned above that can improve, for some people, the rash or the condition gets worse first. I've been through it and many of my friends/family/clients have been through it. You have to let it do its magic and give it some time and be consistent to help it start healing! It's essentially a healing water and it will either get the worst out of it to heal it... or it will start healing it right away! Be aware of this as we're in a world where everything should work like a magic pill.
I've been enjoying my Multi Ionizer for shower for a year and I have never been chemical free in my life in my shower. I feel proud that I actually do not use shampoo, body wash, or even a body lotion. I had a eczema spot on my neck under my hair line and it's gone for good! My hair doesn't fall any more and I have beautiful, healthy, think, and long hair. You can take my word for it!
Try it yourself today! Get the Multi Ionizer for Shower here!
For more tips and get the best out of this amazing product, please contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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